Kazeti German Shepherds - Exhibitors and breeders of long coat German Shepherds

V1 Yoschi Temperton von Kazeti (Yoschi achieving his V1 title under Ch judge Paul Bradley)




V1   Yoschi Temperton von Kazeti FCI



Date of Birth: 9.1.11

Sadly my beautiful Yoschi went to Rainbow Bridge on 11.4.23



HD BVA 6/7 -  A NZ  -  ED A Normal

Haemophilia clear  - DNA Gepruft


Yoschi  has passed his BH and IPO1, IPO2 and KKL in Poland. He is now the only working qualified longcoat show line dog in the UK with these qualifications


We are so very proud to own such a fabulous boy.

We are delighted to have the fabulous Yoschi Temperton here with us at Kazeti and would like to thank Agnieszka for trusting me with her wonderful boy.  He is out of the fabulous V1 MILLA vom Fichtenschlag Zwinger and V16 BIX VON ARLETT.   He returned to Poland to complete his training for BH and IPO1.   He is currently the first showline longcoat in the UK with the IPO qualification.   He has come to us full of confidence and a very friendly boy.  He loves playing with the other dogs and is already maturing very nicely.  He gained a SG grading in his first show and we are very proud to own this boy.   He has already begun his stud career and started producing some beautiful puppies.  He has been BVA hip scored and received an excellent score of 6/7  and also A Stamped under the SV system in both hips and elbows with excellent results.

Yoschi was breed surveyed under Champion Show Judge John Ward and passed breed survey Class 1 and achieved a V grading at his first show in the adult classes.

Yoschi also received a V Excellent grading whilst being shown in Poland, and is now qualified for breeding in Poland.



My gorgeous Yoschi turns 8 years old

My gorgeous Yoschi at 4 years old

Yoschi's Korung certificate
my super Yoschi in training
Yoschi attaining his V2 grade at his first show as an adult
Yoschi looking gorgeous
my adorable V1 Yoschi at 2yrs 6 mths
Yoschi at 18 mths




See Yoschi doing his training for BH and IPO here









See Yoschi doing his training for IPO2 and Korung here http://youtu.be/fu1naleScJQ
Yoschi in training for IPO2
Yoschi in training for IPO2
Baby Yoschi
cheeky Yoschi
young Yoschi
Yoschi on his 1st birthday